“If you die before you die, you won't die when you die.”

Inscription on Mt. Athos, Greece

Origin of Eleusia

The Eleusinian Mysteries were annual rites carried out in Ancient Greece by devotees of the Goddess Demeter and her daughter Persephone. They were held every year by women initiates who celebrated the Goddess of agriculture and fertility and her daughter’s journey into the Underworld. 

This myth personifies the hero’s journey with the cycle of descent, searching, and then ascent back into reunion with the Mother. For initiates, the death and rebirth of Persephone symbolized immortality and the eternity of the afterlife. 

The ceremonies are widely believed by Classicist scholars to have involved the ingestion of psychedelics, medicines which enable the dissolution of ego identity, aka “ego death”. The widely held belief was, “If you die before you die, you won’t die when you die.” In other words, but conjuring visions of an afterlife, the fear of death lessens its grip, allowing for a full spectrum of vitality that makes life worth living. 

Eleusia is the modern expression of this ancient rite of passage. It is a transcendence of the mind body dualism paradigm that has dominated medicine in the last century, reuniting science with the sacred with the reintroduction of psychedelic medicine ceremonies into mainstream society. It is a remembrance. It is our birthright.

The Portal Process


Health Intake

Safety Screening

Preparation Resources


Group ceremonies

Couple ceremonies

1-on-1 ceremonies



Sound Healing

Mindset Coaching


To awaken humanity to the healer within through the facilitation of transformational experiences with psychedelic medicine and supportive healing modalities. To assist in the flourishing of all life on Earth.


  • Psilocybin services in a safe, legal, and beautiful setting

  • Licensed, heart centered facilitators

  • Group and 1:1 settings

  • Retreat and outpatient offerings

  • Non-psychedelic services and resources

  • Community 

Our healing philosophy

Dis-ease is a result of dis-connection; Healing is about reconnection.

Death is not to be conquered, but befriended.

Healing happens in Community.

Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.

Eleusia Ethos

Creator & growth mindset

Positive sum



Open mindedness

Indigenous honoring



Health sovereignty

Full spectrum vitality 

Unity consciousness

“All significant breakthroughs are break -’withs’ old ways of thinking.”

— Thomas Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions

Paradigm shift

Old Paradigm

Mind Body Dualism

Human as machine

Physical symptom driven

Western, allopathic dominant

Excels in acute, genetic based conditions

Paternalistic model

New Paradigm

Mind Body Unity

Human as quantum computer

Psychospiritual lens

Fully integrated Eastern, Western, and Indigenous 

Excels in chronic, lifestyle/behavior based conditions

Inner Healer model 

Ready to awaken your inner healer?